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Crammin & Jammin

Hi Scribblers,

I just finished up my scribble for today. My creative team and I were in meetings all day long working on an exciting project that we are preparing to announce. A conference call that we thought would only take an hour, ended up lasting close to 3 hours! We had so many technical and creative details we had to work through that, by the end of the call, I felt like my head was crammed with so much information that I really didn’t know what to do with it. Of course, this immediately made me want to sit down to Scribble!

Crammin & Jammin, by Andi Thea

Crammin & Jammin is a scribble that represents the influx of information I had to take in today. Phew, I am so glad I sat down and took those few minutes to do that Scribble. It really helped me to process the information from our meeting and think it through in a creative way!

Posted by , on August 31st, 2011 at 9:38 pm. No Comments

Category: Arts & Crafts,kids Labels: Andi Thea,

The Beauty of Change

Hi Scribblers,

I hope you all have had a wonderful summer! I really can’t believe today is the last day of August! Wow, did Summer go by fast! I was thinking about changing gears from Summertime play to Back to School learning and the coming change of seasons, and this made me think of the change of a butterfly!

Butterfly Craft

Just on the image, download, print and Get Scribbley!

I was inspired to make this silly craft by something so simple- a thought! That thought lead me to think about the change of seasons, which lead me to think about change and the change of a butterfly. Creative inspiration can come from anywhere!

Posted by , on August 31st, 2011 at 8:43 pm. No Comments

Category: Arts & Crafts,classroom,kids Labels: , ,

Feeling Groovey

Hi Scribblers!

I sat down to scribble today and I was in the best mood! The storm was over, the sky was beautiful and I had the song Feelin’ Groovey, by Simon & Garfunkel in my head.

Feeling Groovey, by Andi Thea

This is my scribble for the day. I was feeling great, I had a smile on my face and I went to grab a marker, these colors were just calling my name!

It’s a happy scribble, because I was feeling happy! Sometimes, getting scribbley- sitting down and being creative- is a great way to express yourself. Why not try it with your little ones?

Posted by , on August 30th, 2011 at 8:18 pm. 2 Comments

Category: adults,classroom,Your Finished Projects Labels: , ,

Get Scribbley with this Back to School Coloring Page!

Hi Scribblers!

Have you gotten your kids ready to go back to school? Sometimes, a great way to get the kids excited is to sit down and talk to them about all the fun and exciting things they will learn, the new people they will meet and the fun projects they will get to make. To help make that time even more fun, you can do a School themed project or coloring page while talking with your kids.

Don’t have any school themed activities in mind? Here is a fun Back to School Coloring page to do with your little scribblers!

A Back to School Coloring Page

Just on the image, download, print and Get Scribbley!

Posted by , on August 30th, 2011 at 4:27 pm. No Comments

Category: adults,classroom,kids Labels: , Back to School, , ,

Horse Around with this fun Coloring Page!

Hi Scribblers!

Did you see our Horsing Around in Scribble Town comic last week? In case you missed it, I thought it might be fun to repost it as a coloring page!

Horsing Around Coloring Page

Just click on the image, download and print so you can Get Scribbley with the Scribblers!

Posted by , on August 29th, 2011 at 10:04 pm. No Comments

Category: classroom,kids Labels: , , , , shapes

Hurricane Irene

When I made today’s scribble, I was thinking about the hurricane and the radar maps I was constantly seeing on TV.

Irene, by Andi Thea

During the storm my apartment was evacuated because my home is on the East River of NYC. Knowme and I packed up and ended up staying farther toward the center of the island to avoid danger from the water surge and chaotic winds.

I could just imagine Knowme saying, "Take me with you!"

I honestly didn’t know what to expect from the storm. New York has not been in the direct line of a hurricane since the 1800′s and this was the first time EVER that the MTA shutdown the NYC subway system. In all actuality though..I slept through the storm…I didn’t hear anything! Where I was staying the trees were barely blowing and I got the okay to return home, I was shocked at what I saw on my way to my apartment. There were trees uprooted everywhere and the streets were a mess but all-in-all the storm was anti-climatic.

I hope everyone on the East Coast braved the storm okay! Did the storm inspire you to Scribble?

Posted by , on August 29th, 2011 at 9:53 pm. No Comments

Category: adults,Featured,kids,Uncategorized Labels: ,

Art found in Oakland Airport…plus another Scribble Adventure!

Hi Scribblers!

Here is another pic of found art! This picture was taken at the Oakland Airport.

Art Found in Oakland Airport

There is also someone else in this photo- can you spot him??

Posted by , on August 29th, 2011 at 7:51 pm. No Comments

Category: adults,Found Art,kids Labels: found art,

A Back to School Comic!

Hi Scribblers!

I hope you had fun making the back-to-school crafts this week! The Scribblers are off to their first day of school, but yet again, Eraser Man is up to his sneaky tricks!

A Back to School Comic!

Can you help the Scribblers?

Just click on the image, download, print and Get Scribbley to help the Scribblers learn!

Posted by , on August 28th, 2011 at 6:20 pm. 1 Comment

Category: classroom,kids Labels: , , eraser man,

A Back to School Locker Organizer!

Hi Scribblers!

I hope you have been having fun with our Back to School crafts this week!

I thought it might be fun to make a locker (or cubby) organizer. This craft is super easy to make and you probably have most of these supplies at home! The best part is, it will be a trendy way to keep your school supplies organized and it only takes 10 east steps!

You will need:
An empty soup can (with label removed)
Colorful construction paper
Double Sided tape
1″ Ribbon

Here is a step-by-step photo tutorial on how to make the craft!

Step 1: Cut the construction paper to the same height and width as the soup can.

Step 1

Step 2: Fold one of the pieces of paper in half and cut 3/4″ -1″ strips from the fold.  Make sure to  leave 1/4″ remaining uncut at the unfolded ends.

Step 2

Step 3: Cut 3/4″ -1″ strips from the two other colors.  Make sure to cut these strip in directions of the height (not the length).

Step 3

Step 4: Weave the strips into the slits of the folded paper alternating colors as you go along.

Step 4

Step 5: Once you have woven enough strips that you are almost at the bottom, push the strips up to make sure that they are snug against each other. Add another final strip if there is room.

Step 5

Step 6: Once you have woven all the colorful strips into the sliced paper, flip the paper over and tape (using double sided tape) along the two long sides and one of the short sides.

Step 6

Step 7: Flip paper over and place another line of double sided tape on the same short end as you had done on the other side. Tape the woven paper onto the soup can. It should stick to the can when you press against it since you used double sided tape.

Step 7

Step 8: Wrap woven paper around the can.  Press the loose end down onto the end with double sided tape) to complete the wrap.

Step 8

Step 9: Place double sided tape around the top and bottom rim and add the 1″ ribbon as a trim.

Step 9

Step 10: Fill your organizer with your favorite pens and pencils and place in your locker or cubby!

Step 10: The finished Locker Organizer!

I hope you have fun making this! You can try different ways of decorating your organizer with different types of paper or by using stamps, glitter, stickers or anything else your imagination comes up with! Have fun!

Posted by , on August 26th, 2011 at 10:45 pm. 1 Comment

Category: adults,Arts & Crafts,Featured,kids Labels: ,

The Importance of Being Prepared

Good Morning Scribblers!

Hurricane Irene is creeping up the coast! If you live along the East Coast, be sure to stay inside and have your emergency supplies ready!

Many are chuckling at the idea that a hurricane may hit NYC, and this made me think of the fable- The Ant and The Grasshopper.

The story goes something like this….

Once there lived an Ant and a Grasshopper in an open grassy field. All summer long, the Ant would work and toil collecting grain and bringing them back to his home. Early he would rise, and all day long he would collect grains, food  and shelter supplies. Also in the field was a whimsical Grasshopper. “Why do you work so hard?” said the Grasshopper. “Come rest and listen to me sing. Find some relaxation in the summer sun!” he would say.

The Ant and The Grasshopper

The Ant ignored the Grasshopper and carried on with his work, while the Grasshopper  hopped along his way singing cheerfully. Everyday the Ant and the Grasshopper interacted this way, but as the Summer faded to Fall, the days became cold, dark, and wet and snow began to fall. The change of seasons left the Grasshopper not wanting to sing anymore, instead he was cold and hungry. “What will I do?” cried the Grasshopper. He searched for food in the field, but the field was covered in snow and the crops had all died. “The Ant! I will ask him for food and a place to stay!” And so the Grasshopper hopped down to the Ant’s home.

“Hello, Ant! I’ve come to sing for you and get warm by your fire while you prepare me some food from the grains you collected!” cried the Grasshopper. “Ohh, no!” said the Ant. “All summer I worked and toiled while you mocked me, sang and hopped about! There is no food for you here and neither is there shelter. You should’ve thought of the coming weather!”


Moral of the story: Even if it seems like unnecessary work and even if it seems like the weather “won’t be that bad,” be prepared and take the time to gather supplies!


Once you have gathered all you need for this weekend, stay inside and enjoy the little “staycation” with your family. To help keep you busy, we’ve provided a bunch of coloring pages and crafts today that you can download and print so that you have something to keep the kids entertained if you lose power!

Posted by , on August 26th, 2011 at 10:10 pm. 1 Comment

Category: adults,kids Labels: ,