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Postcards Come in All Shapes & Sizes! Enter Yours!

Hi Scribblers,

It’s been quite the week here in NYC.  Hurricane Sandy came in with such tremendous force, I don’t think anyone was prepared for the damage and devastation she left in her path. Our building was evacuated and our lobby filled up with water and could have passed for an Olympic sized swimming pool.   We still are without power or heat. Transportation has been difficult and we haven’t been able to get to the office, so I’ve been scribbling up a storm this week.

I thought I would share this opportunity with you.  The Fowler Arts Collective is putting out a call for art for their upcoming December exhibition. They are asking artists, writers, and designers to send postcard sized works in any medium.  I was inspired to create “Stormy Rays”.  I’m going to color it and send it to them.

Stormy Rays - Ink on Paper

Stormy Rays by Andi Thea

Your postcards can be priced at $20, $30, $40, or $50. The artist will gets 50% if the work sells… (woohoo!)  This is a great activity for you to do with your little ones. You can send as many postcards as you want. The more the merrier!

Please have a look at their website for full details of how you can submit your art.

So get your pencils, markers, paints etc. out and start scribbling.

We would love to see your creations.  Please share them with us and if you know of any events that our readers may be interested in, please share them with us too.

Happy Scribbling!!

All my best,





Postcards Come in all Shapes and Sizes! Enter yours!!

Hi Scribblers,

It’s been quite the week here in NYC.  Hurricane Sandy came in with such tremendous force, I don’t think anyone was prepared for the damage and devastation she left in her path. Our building was evacuated and our lobby filled up with water and could have passed for an Olympic sized swimming pool.   We still are without power or heat. Transportation has been difficult and we haven’t been able to get to the office, so I’ve been scribbling up a storm this week.

I thought I would share this opportunity with you.  The is putting out a call for art for their upcoming December exhibition. They are asking artists, writers, and designers to send postcard sized works in any medium.  I was inspired to create “Stormy Rays”.  I’m going to color it and send it to them.

Stormy Rays

Stormy Rays

Your postcards can be priced at $20, $30, $40, or $50. The artist will gets 50% if the work sells… (woohoo!)  This is a great activity for you to do with your little ones. You can send as many postcards as you want. The more the merrier!

Please have a look at their website for full details of how you can submit your art.

So get your pencils, markers, paints etc. out and start scribbling.

We would love to see your creations.  Please share them with us and if you know of any events that our readers may be interested in, please share them with us too.

Happy Scribbling!!

All my best,




Posted by , on November 7th, 2012 at 12:27 am. No Comments

Category: Arts & Crafts,Event,holiday,Your Finished Projects Labels: , , , brooklyn, , , , , Fowler Arts Collective, Holiday Market, , Your Finished Projets

Fun at BayFest 2012!

Hi Scribblers!

Yesterday, May 20th, we had a great time at BayFest 2012 in Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn. We were getting scribbley with the kids making fun water-themed arts & crafts!

We had crafters of all ages visit our table!

All the crafters really put their heart into the crafts and took time to make some great crafts! Tyree, a young man who loves to make portraits, carefully colored in his boat-themed puppets!

We even had a few crafters come up with their own crafts! Miriam drew a picture of a girl!

Miriam is a young girl who is certainly a talented artist! You can check out more of her art here.

Scribble Town will be participating in festivals throughout the summer! You can find us next at Riverdale Riverfest on June 24th!

Posted by , on May 21st, 2012 at 10:32 pm. 1 Comment

Category: adults,Arts & Crafts,kids Labels: , , bayfest, brooklyn, Event, , get scribbley, , , sheepshead bay

Come Join Us!

Hi Scribblers!

I hope you had a lovely week! The weather was beautiful these past few days and it really put me in a happy mood! This weekend I’ll be out with a few of the other scribblers from Scribble Town to enjoy some more time in the sun while getting scribbley making arts & crafts at Brooklyn’s BayFest!

The BayFest is Brooklyn’s largest waterfront celebration featuring over 25 bands and dance groups, arts & crafts, food vendors and more!

Scribble Town will be at the event making fun maritime crafts! It is 100% free to participate so bring the kids and get scribbley!

We hope to see you there!

Posted by , on May 18th, 2012 at 10:09 pm. No Comments

Category: adults,Arts & Crafts,kids Labels: , , bayfest, bayfest 2012, brooklyn, Event, , , , scribbley

Join Us At The Street Games Event!

Hi Scribblers!

Big News! With the warm weather back to greet us, Scribble Town will be out working with the community again! You can find us this week at the Street Games event in East Harlem, NYC! Our table will be located at East 114th and Pleasant Avenue. Join us to make fun retro crafts! We’ll be making Hippie Scribble Puppets and a Retro Mobile!

Every year, we go out in the community at local festivals and events to encourage and inspire creativity! Do you and your kids love to craft? Join us this Saturday, April 28th. We’ll be participating at the event from 10am-4pm. Hope to see you there!

Posted by , on April 25th, 2012 at 10:10 pm. No Comments

Category: adults,Arts & Crafts,kids Labels: , , cool, , funky, hippie, hippie scribble puppets, , retro, retro mobile, Street Games

The Scribble Challenge Winner!

The poll results are in Scribblers! Scribble Town would like to congratulate Diane from In My Own Style for being the Winner of the, Scribble Challenge! As the Scribble Challenge winner, Diane has won a $50 shopping spree on! Congrats, Diane!!

For the Scribble Challenge, Diane made a Chevron Chalkboard Photo Frame.

Check out her blog- she managed to use EVERY item in the box- even the packing peanuts! Talk about creative!!

Would you like to sign up for the next Scribble Challenge (TBD)? Send an email to scribblechallengeATgmailDOTcom and ask to be added to the list!

Would you like to get the supplies to make this craft to make your own photo frame? Would you like to see what craft you can come up with using the same supplies? You can get all the supplies by clicking here!

Happy Scribbling!

Posted by , on April 2nd, 2012 at 11:12 pm. No Comments

Category: adults,Arts & Crafts, Labels: , , bloggers, chalkboard paint, , photo frame, , scribble challenge winner

The Scribble Challenge Entries Are In!

Hi Scribblers!

The Scribble Challenge Entries are in! Over the past few weeks we have had a number of top crafting bloggers participate in the Scribble Challenge for! Now that all the bloggers have posted their crafts, we have to narrow down the finalists! Which crafts were your favorites? Let us know by commenting below! Check out the finished crafts here on !

Posted by , on March 23rd, 2012 at 10:17 pm. No Comments

Category: adults,Arts & Crafts,,kids Labels: , , bloggers, Event, , , pinterest, , scribblechalleng,

Scribble Man in San Diego!

Hello Scribblers!

Remember Scribble Man? I introduced him a few weeks ago with the Make Your Own Scribble Man Puppet craft! Well guess, what! Scribble Man has been spotted in San Diego!!

Scribble Man in San Diego!

Last week, I introduced Eraser Man. I am going to continue to introduce one Scribble Friend a week for the next four weeks, so be sure to print out and color the Scribble Friends to make your own puppets! I’d love to see what fun adventures you take the Scribble Friends on, so be sure to post pictures to our page or send us a picture via email!

Posted by , on August 8th, 2011 at 4:24 pm. No Comments

Category: adults,Arts & Crafts,classroom,kids,Your Finished Projects Labels: , Event, , , puppets,

Closo the Clown

Hi Scribblers,

I sat down this morning to work on my Scribble for Scribble Jam and for some reason, nothing was coming to me. My mind was a bit preoccupied and started thinking about Scribble Blog and how we were coming to the end of Clown Week. I picked up a marker, and without even realizing it, I started to draw a half circle. I started trading off with different colors and slowly this morphed into a clown.

Closo The Clown

I don’t really know where it came from but all of a sudden, I saw this odd  little clown staring up at me! I wonder what I was thinking!

Posted by , on August 5th, 2011 at 6:51 pm. No Comments

Category: adults,Arts & Crafts,kids Labels: , Event, ,